1 Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Determination - Take A Lesson From The Birds

While on my break one day at work, I decided to sit out by the water fountain. a flock of pigeon birds came over where I was . I counted about 27 of them. They all gathered around on the fountain and each of them got in the water, I watched them as they drank from the fountain and played in the water.

Not a care in the world they displayed. As I watched, this one bird (we call him Tommy) flew up into the glass awning that was over the fountain and perched there. He spent a bit of time looking through the glass enjoying the scenery.

Soon some of the other birds began to fly away. Tommy who was still up in the glass awning decided he wanted to fly away with the others, however, he flew up and was not able to get out because of the glass that was above him. He made several attempts at this means of escape. He finally realized after failing that he needed to fly downward before he could fly upward.

Once he made this discovery he was free and he could fly as high and as far away as he wanted.

In life many of us try to achieve greatness and success without starting from the bottom, however, sometimes we have to crawl, and start at the bottom stairs before we can get to the higher levels in life. Sometimes we need to think things out and plan before we execute action, and a lot of times we will experience failure before success.

Tommy realized that he had to take another plan of action before he could be free from under the awning. He never gave up either he kept trying.

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