In today’s society our young people fight with weapons and parents also get involved and want to fight other children as I have seen several news reports about parents jumping kids after school and on school buses.
It has become very challenging for parents to deal with many of our youth today because society has come up with so many rules of what parents can or cannot do to their children. Prayer was taken out of schools, and then parents aren’t allowed to spank their kids. What’s next?
I am reminded of a story of a young girl who had been threatened by some other kids who wanted to fight her. This young girl (we’ll call her Shelley), had obviously become very upset by this. Another young girl (we’ll call her Carla) who had no idea what was going on and had nothing to do with the incident, as Carla past by her, she saw that she was upset and attempted to console her. “Are you okay?” Carla asked. Shelley, still mad jumps up and began to curse at Carla and threatened her. Carla, stepped back, apologized for being concerned, and walked away. Several minutes later Shelley’s mom and brother had arrived. Shelley pointed at Carla as one of the girls who had threatened to fight her; Carla was astounded. She had no idea what had just happened. Shelley’s mom had threatened Carla and told her that they could settle the matter outside in the parking lot. “I’m not sure what is going on” Carla stated to Shelley’s mom, “I saw her upset, and asked her if she was okay”. At this point Carla found out what really happened and so did Shelley’s mom. Other adults got involved and the issue was resolved.
The reaction of Shelley’s mom is clearly one of the reasons our youth are involved in so much violent activity. Sometimes the parents are to blame. Now I am not saying that all negative acts of children are the parents fault but in this situation the parent was clearly ready to fight a child; and for what? Shelley’s mom is a prime example of how parents are lacking in parental guidance and education. She obviously did not think about the fact that if she had harmed this child she would have gone to jail, her children would have been displaced, she most likely would have lost her job, and she would now have a criminal record. It is obvious that Shelley is not use to someone looking out for her and consoling her when she feels bad. It seems that she has been taught that when you’re angry, take it out on everyone.
Parents need to instill better conflict resolutions in their children.
Let’s teach our children more respect not only for others but for themselves. If they don’t respect themselves, no one else will.
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Ephesians 6:4 “. . .provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”